quarta-feira, 21 de março de 2012

Meeting in Valencia

Music Connecting People meeting in Valencia

In Valencia, Spain

7th of March 2012

1. Next meeting in Lisbon, Portugal (2nd-6th of July 2012):

a) Latvia: 4 teachers, 3 students (boys), maybe also 1 girl? (depends on money)

b) Estonia: 3 teachers, 2-3 (?) students (girls) (depends on money)

c) Italy: 2 teachers, ? students

d) Spain: 2 teachers, ? students

Draft program of Lisbon: everybody can read about the program from google group.

2. Something about the outcomes:

a) Estonia must publish the cultural guide of each country: we decided that every country describes their own country and Estonia puts together the cultural guide. The guideline includes: traditional food, traditional holidays, traditional activities, what to see in your hometown/area (not the whole country).

Deadline: the end of May 2012 (send to Tiit: tiit102@mail.ee)!!!

b) Spain must create the leaflet with the score and lyrics of ALL the folk songs in the project: everybody must send the information (score and lyrics, including the songs presentated in Portugal) to Charo.

Deadline: 15th of June 2012!!!

3. We have created the MCP blog: do not forget to share the information on blog!

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