Here are the lyrics and the chords of the second song we from Camposampiero (Italy) performed at the concert in Dobele (Latvia): 'O Surdato 'Nnamurato (in English: The/A Soldier in Love)
The lyrics of this very well known Neapolitan popular song were written by the poet and song writer Aniello Califano; the music was composed by Enrico Cannio, a Neapolitan musician and composer.
'O Surdato 'Nnamurato was written in 1915, the year in which Italy entered the First World War when many young men from every region of Italy, from north to south, were enlisted and sent to the front on the north-east border.
The song gives voice to the sadness of a soldier longing for his beloved who is far away at home. The soldier always thinks of his woman and flies to her in his thought. In the refrain he says that she is life of his life and heart of his heart (Oje vita, oje vita mia, oje core ‘e chistu core) and assures her that she was his first, and will be his last, love (si stata ‘o primm' ammore e 'o primmo e ll'urdemo sarraje pe' me!).
La Mi La Mi Do#7
La Rem La Fa#/Sim
Staje luntana da stu core,
Sim Fa# Sim
a te volo cu 'o penziero:
Mi La
niente voglio e niente spero
Rem La Mi La
ca tenerte sempe a fianco a me!
Sim Do#7
Si' sicura 'e chist'ammore
Fa#m Si7 Mi Mi7
comm'i' só' sicuro 'e te...
La Mi
Oje vita, oje vita mia...
oje core 'e chistu core...
Fa# Sim
si' stata 'o primmo ammore...
La Mi La Mi
e 'o primmo e ll'ùrdemo sarraje pe' me!
La Mi La Mi Do#7
La Rem La Fa#/Sim
Quanta notte nun te veco,
Sim Fa# Sim
nun te sento 'int'a sti bbracce,
Mi La
nun te vaso chesta faccia,
Rem La Mi La
nun t'astregno forte 'mbraccio a me?!
Sim Do#7
Ma, scetánnome 'a stu suonne,
Fa#m Si7 Mi Mi7
mme faje chiagnere pe' te...
La Mi Mi La Fa# Sim La Mi La Mi
Oje vita....
La Rem La Fa#/Sim
Scrive sempe e sta' cuntenta:
Sim Fa# Sim
io nun penzo che a te sola...
Mi La
Nu penziero mme cunzola,
Rem La Mi La
ca tu pienze sulamente a me...
Sim Do#7
'A cchiù bella 'e tutt''e bbelle,
Fa#m Si7 Mi Mi7
nun è maje cchiù bella 'e te!
La Mi Mi La Fa# Sim La Mi La Mi
Oje vita....