terça-feira, 15 de fevereiro de 2011

Meeting in Võnnu

Meeting in Võnnu, Estonia


Discussion about the program.

Meeting in Italy was postponed to 9th till 13th of May, 2011. Italian families will be hosting up to 5 students from each country, altogether 20 students. Teachers will stay in a hotel. When choosing an airport, 1st choice is Treviso airport, 2nd Venice, 3rd Verona and 4th Bologna airport.

For our next meeting in Italy, Vidal and Rosario will create the project anthem and we can start rehearsing. May the music muse be with You!

The concert in Võnnu was beautiful—we decided that this format—3 songs or more per country, but max 10 minutes, will be performed on a concert during every meeting (next in Italy). One song will be traditional or folk song and the other two can be popular songs (i.e “Volare” in Italy).

Also, in every country, the visiting and hosting students will learn one traditional local song, and then perform it all together during that concert. The teaching of that particular song is in the program of each hosting country.

About the dictionary—Ines will send the new version in English and every country will add their translation of the words and phrases. Also, Inese will upload the powerpoint presentations to Moodle platform.

Thank You for coming and see You very soon in Springly Camposampiero, in Italy!

segunda-feira, 14 de fevereiro de 2011

Thank You Italy, Latvia, Portugal and Spain

On behalf of all the staff and students of Võnnu School i would like to thank You all for coming and making last week so pleasant, sunny and unforgettable. It would not have been so beautiful without You! Thank You very-very much! You are always welcome back!

sexta-feira, 4 de fevereiro de 2011

Dear all!

Dear all!
I will wait you with host families in hotel lobby at 17.00 (Latvia) and at 21.00 (the other countries)! The temperature for next week between 0 to -10 degrees!
Greetings Tiit

quarta-feira, 2 de fevereiro de 2011

Dear all!

Dear all!
Sorry, but some changes about host families
Daniele Pereira From Portugal - your host family Mairon Tähe, as we first planned - themairon@hot.ee
And the second - lets meet at hotel lobby on the 8-th at 9.30

Greetings Tiit

Host families

Dear all!
Some changes of host families!
Anna Garcia from Spain - you stay in Selena Vahtramäe - selena.vahtramae@mail.ee

Daniela Pereira from Portugal - you stay in Karelin Karelson - susu09@hot.ee

Teachers - take swimwear with you, it for sauna evening!

Greetings Tiit

terça-feira, 1 de fevereiro de 2011

Dear all!

Dear all!

How to get from Tallinn airport to Tartu?

1.You have to take from airport bus nr. 2 and get to busstation (ca 7 minutes, you will see lot of busses on the square, ticket get from driver, ca 1,6 EUR).

2.From busstation look gate nr 9?, you will see sign Tartu. From Tallinn to Tartu busses in every half an hour. Buy tickets from inside the station or from bussdriver, better inside, but you will see.. Ticket ca 10EUR, it takes 2,5 hours.

3. From teachers I booked hotel “Tartu” http://www.tartuhotell.ee/, the same name as the city, breakfast and wifi included. It lies just opposite of Tartu busstation, 100m from station. Prices you know already! For Latvian girls 1 triple, others singlrooms.

4.For students Estonian parents will wait in the hotel lobby, but try to communicate with our students and say approx arrival time. Landing time + 3, 5 hours. Paulo, one students e-mail was wrong, right is VansuJansu@windowslive.com

5.We will meet on the 8-th of Feb at 10.00 in hotel lobby! My phone +3725247166

See you soon!