quarta-feira, 28 de dezembro de 2011

Season's Greetings

When we think about what has been accomplished so far, it makes us wonder what this partnership will do for us in the next year. We hope, a lot!
Have a wonderful 2012 with lots of music and a breeze on a string: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WEOpUsE7U50
(dedicated, specially, to all music teachers in this adventure - Anamaria, Nacho, Teana, Vidal and Sonia)

sexta-feira, 16 de dezembro de 2011

'0 Surdato 'Nnamurato

Here are the lyrics and the chords of the second song we from Camposampiero (Italy) performed at the concert in Dobele (Latvia): 'O Surdato 'Nnamurato (in English: The/A Soldier in Love)
The lyrics of this very well known Neapolitan popular song were written by the poet and song writer Aniello Califano; the music was composed by Enrico Cannio, a Neapolitan musician and composer.
'O Surdato 'Nnamurato was written in 1915, the year in which Italy entered the First World War when many young men from every region of Italy, from north to south, were enlisted and sent to the front on the north-east border.
The song gives voice to the sadness of a soldier longing for his beloved who is far away at home. The soldier always thinks of his woman and flies to her in his thought. In the refrain he says that she is life of his life and heart of his heart (Oje vita, oje vita mia, oje core ‘e chistu core) and assures her that she was his first, and will be his last, love (si stata ‘o primm' ammore e 'o primmo e ll'urdemo sarraje pe' me!).
La Mi La Mi Do#7

La Rem La Fa#/Sim
Staje luntana da stu core,
Sim Fa# Sim
a te volo cu 'o penziero:
Mi La
niente voglio e niente spero
Rem La Mi La
ca tenerte sempe a fianco a me!
Sim Do#7
Si' sicura 'e chist'ammore
Fa#m Si7 Mi Mi7
comm'i' só' sicuro 'e te...
La Mi
Oje vita, oje vita mia...
oje core 'e chistu core...
Fa# Sim
si' stata 'o primmo ammore...
La Mi La Mi
e 'o primmo e ll'ùrdemo sarraje pe' me!
La Mi La Mi Do#7
La Rem La Fa#/Sim
Quanta notte nun te veco,
Sim Fa# Sim
nun te sento 'int'a sti bbracce,
Mi La
nun te vaso chesta faccia,
Rem La Mi La
nun t'astregno forte 'mbraccio a me?!
Sim Do#7
Ma, scetánnome 'a stu suonne,
Fa#m Si7 Mi Mi7
mme faje chiagnere pe' te...
La Mi Mi La Fa# Sim La Mi La Mi
Oje vita....
La Rem La Fa#/Sim
Scrive sempe e sta' cuntenta:
Sim Fa# Sim
io nun penzo che a te sola...
Mi La
Nu penziero mme cunzola,
Rem La Mi La
ca tu pienze sulamente a me...
Sim Do#7
'A cchiù bella 'e tutt''e bbelle,
Fa#m Si7 Mi Mi7
nun è maje cchiù bella 'e te!
La Mi Mi La Fa# Sim La Mi La Mi
Oje vita....

terça-feira, 13 de dezembro de 2011

MCP day in Vialonga (16.11.2011)

One day, we celebrated de Music Connecting People Day. It was fun and we delivered the message...

sábado, 3 de dezembro de 2011

"Addio mia bella addio"

This is “Addio mia bella addio”, the first song we from Camposampiero (Italy) performed at the concert in Dobele (Latvia).
“Addio mia bella addio” (in English: “Adieu, my Beautiful One”) is a very famous song of the Italian Risorgimento (the 19th century movement for the unification of Italy).
It was composed in March 1848 in a café of Florence by Carlo Alberto Bosi, when a group of university students from Tuscany voluntarily left to go to fight against the Austrian Empire in the First War of Italian Independence.
In the song, the speaker tells his woman that everyone is leaving to go to fight for freedom and that not to join them would be cowardice. So he asks her not to cry: maybe he comes back, maybe he dies in battle and in that case he will meet her again in Heaven.
Here are the lyrics and chords of a recent version of this song performed at the Sanremo Music Festival (2011):

Do Sol7
Addio mia bella addio... che l'armata se ne va...
Fa Do Sol7 Do
e se non partissi anch'io sarebbe una vilta'.
Fa Do Sol7 Do
E se non partissi anch'io sarebbe una vilta'.

Do Sol7
Non pianger, mio tesoro: forse io ritornerò;
Fa Do Sol7 Do
ma se in battaglia io moro in ciel ti rivedrò.
Fa Do Sol7 Do
ma se in battaglia io moro in ciel ti rivedrò.

Re La7
Il sacco preparato sull'òmero mi sta;
Sol Re La7 Re
son uomo e son soldato: viva la libertà!
Sol Re La7 Re
son uomo e son soldato: viva la libertà!

Re La7
Io non ti lascio sola, ma mi lasci un figlio ancor:
Sol Re La7 Re
sarà lui che mi consola, il figlio dell'amor!
Sol Re La7 Re
sarà lui che mi consola, il figlio dell'amor!

Mi Si7
Addio mia bella addio... che l'armata se ne va...
La Mi Si7 Mi
e se non partissi anch'io sarebbe una vilta'.
La Mi Si7 Mi
E se non partissi anch'io sarebbe una vilta'.

quarta-feira, 16 de novembro de 2011

Happy Music Connecting People Day!!!

It's 16th November, so:

Happy MUSIC CONNECTING PEOPLE Day to all the participants in the Project,

from Camposampiero (Italy).

On and around this day we are organizing a number of activities connected with music and the Project: it’s going to become a quite eventful week…

On Monday this week we resumed the meetings of our music group (under the enthusiastic leadership, and very competent direction, of our teachers Carmela and Marcello!) to set in motion all our musical activities for this year.

We are also promoting the Project among the younger students of our school inviting them to join in.

We listened to the beautiful Music Connecting People anthem composed by our friends in Valencia! With Simone, the other students involved in the project, and some teachers (Carmela, Isabella and Egidio) we are now writing the lyrics.

And also, with the four students who went to Latvia (Claudia, Veronica, Cristian, and Giacomo) we are writing down the lyrics and chords of the 3 songs we performed at the concert in Dobele. We hope we’ll be able to post everything on this blog in a few days!!!

Happy MCP day!

quarta-feira, 19 de outubro de 2011

Bēdu manu lielo bēdu

Ramtai, ramtai, radiridirīdi, Ramtai rīdi rallalā. 
Liku bēdas zem akmeņa, Pāri gāju dziedādams.
Es negāju noskumusi Nevienāi vietiņā. 
Ar dziesmiņu druvā gāju, Ar valodu sētiņā. 
Ja dzīvoju, tad dzīvoju, Tad ir jautri padzīvoju.

quinta-feira, 13 de outubro de 2011

MCP: Meeting in Latvia - Dobele

MCP: Meeting in Latvia - Dobele: It's clear that, so far, we had a wonderful meeting. Inese and the Latvian team made all efforts to give us all the best, and more... It has...

sexta-feira, 7 de outubro de 2011

Such a beautiful rose bush

Tenho lá no meu quintal (I have in my backyard)
Uma roseira enxertada (One grafted rose bush)
Que dá rosas tantas, tantas (That grows so many, many, roses)
E também dá rosas brancas (And also white roses)
E dá rosas encarnadas (And red roses)
E dá rosas amarelas (And yellow roses)
Que são rosas de primeira (That are premium roses)
Ainda não vi outra igual (I’ve never seen such a thing)
Tenho lá no meu quintal (I have, there, in my backyard)
Aquela linda roseira (Such a beautiful rose bush)

(we'll upload the video later so that you can sing along... :)

quinta-feira, 29 de setembro de 2011

Meeting in Latvia - Dobele

It's clear that, so far, we had a wonderful meeting. Inese and the Latvian team made all efforts to give us all the best, and more... It has been fun. Music is really connecting us. We made it! :)

sexta-feira, 23 de setembro de 2011

Väravamäng, Estonian national song (lyrics in estonian)

Meie tahme läbi minna selle laia laberi


Kui see laaber katki läheb, kellega me parandame


Siidiaga, niidiga, punapuldse paelaga


Kust sa siidi, niidi said, punapuldse paela tõid


Tunaeile Talnas käisin, tunaeile Pärnus käisin


Sealt ma siidi, niidi sain, punapuldse paela tõin


quarta-feira, 18 de maio de 2011

Meeting in Camposampiero

10th of May

In Camposampiero, Italy

Next meeting in Latvia (26.-30.09.2011), 3-4 students from each school. Next concert in Latvia (max 10 minutes, about 3 songs).

1. Created project repertoire with 5 national folk songs in national languages uploaded onto website (must be uploaded by the end of May 2011, including the notes);

2. creation of Friendship dictionary with 100 words and phrases in 5 languages (Spain and Portugal must translate (Estonia and Italy have already done it) and send it to Inese (CD will be ready in September));

3. created brochure with all partners’ music-cultural portraits (Portuguese must send their presentation to Inese, the rest have already done it);

4. one project anthem of Friendship (the music is ready, Italians started to write the lyrics; the main keywords are music connecting people, friendship, Europe, tolerance, future, universal, from heart to heart, unity, names of each participating countries, laugh, youth, smile ...);

5. we decided to celebrate MCP day in November 16th (the day we first met eachother, singing the anthem of Friendship).

With greetings

Maarika, Teana and Tiit